I’m at a loss right now. It’s mid-May in the Pittsburgh region. Mother’s Day is this weekend. And it’s snowing. Like really snowing. I opened a window during my zoom martial arts class this morning and it was literally snowing inside. Wtf.
I cannot remember any time that it snowed this late in the season. There were already enough days above 80 degrees that I’ve managed to pressure wash the outside of my entire house. I usually spread the job over several weekends and refuse to do it any time that I’ll be shivering if I get wet from the spray. Yes, I’m a princess like that.
And yet, after that stretch of mild weather that allowed me to let my guard down, it snowed. If I were a religious person, I’d say it’s just one more sign that we’re in End-of-Days. Wash your hands and say your prayers: germs and Jesus are everywhere. Bless my heart, I think I’m losing it.
Seriously though. Aren’t ‘onion snows’ supposed to happen in mid-April? I expect this torturous weather routine in March. In fact, it’s come to be my least favorite month because of its schizophrenic patterns. March was a blur this year- brought on by two weeks of sheer madness. So frankly, I don’t even remember if it was cold or rainy or snowy or tornado-y. I couldn’t even tell you if the rest of March happened after Friday the 13th. Oh sure, the memes ran rampant about that being our last normal day.
Clearly 2020 is a dumpster fire that we’ll all be glad to wave two middle fingers at on New Year’s Eve. So why am I at a loss? How do you keep the creative juices flowing? How do I keep writing for “fun” when nothing feels very fun anymore?